Dual Language Model

Lea sobre nuestro modelo en español


What is Scott Dual Language Magnet’s Program? 

Scott Dual Language Magnet implements the Gómez and Gómez Dual Language Enrichment Model. The program is intended to provide rigorous dual language instruction at the elementary level. The philosophy of this model is to provide instruction in two languages (English and Spanish) at a “gifted and talented” level of rigor to all students through language immersion, therefore putting students on the path to academic biliteracy. 


three circles

Essentials Elements of our Dual Language Model: 

  • The Gómez and Gómez Model places a strong emphasis on collaboration between students. Throughout the day, students work in “bilingual pairs” to provide “parallel effort” towards their learning goals. In this way, students negotiate language, learning not only from the teacher, but also from each other. 
  • To ensure students not only learn the subject area content at high levels but also language, the Gómez and Gómez model has specific guidelines for highly effective instructional practices, lesson planning, and scheduling a student’s day. 


How is the Model Structured? 

  • The dual language program integrates native English speaking students with native Spanish speaking students for academic instruction, which is presented in both languages. Social and academic learning occurs in an environment that values the language and culture of all students and sets high standards to ultimately achieve academic success in Spanish and English.
  • Classrooms are composed of approximately 50 percent native English speakers and 50 percent native Spanish speakers. Spaces in the program may be limited in order to ensure the effectiveness of the model.
  • A commitment to enriched education for all requires fidelity of implementation that includes challenging, interactive and authentic instruction for all participating students. To support short and long term academic success of all students, the goal is to achieve grade-level bilingualism & biliteracy by the end of 5th grade.
  • The language used for instruction is also broken down by a 50/50 ratio. Starting in 2nd grade, 50 percent of classroom instruction is provided in English, and 50 percent of classroom instruction is provided in Spanish. In grades Pre-School to 1st grade, students are instructed only in their Native Language during language arts instruction. Each teacher speaks only in the designated language and communicates using a range of engaging strategies to promote student understanding and language development.  Children at this age are adept at acquiring language in meaningful contexts. All students are taught to read, write, listen, and speak in two languages. 



What are the Expectations for Parents? 


      As in other education programs, strong home-school connections are essential to the success of dual language programs. There are many things that programs and parents can do to help foster these connections. 

      We ask that parents show their commitment to ensure their student’s success by


Our schools will show our commitment to supporting our dual language families in both languages by:

      Ensuring that all communications with parents, oral and in writing, are in both languages of instruction, which accomplishes the dual goals of ensuring clear communications with parents and promoting the goals of the program

      Keeping parents informed about school activities and community events

      Explaining the importance of conversing and working with their students in the language that they know best

      Explaining the important role that parents play in literacy development and in supporting learning


Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Will my child be provided busing? 
Kindergarten - fifth grade students living within TPS501 boundaries and more than 1.75 miles from Scott DL (401 SE Market St, Topeka KS 66607) will qualify for busing. To get busing to start the year families must register for the upcoming school year by July 21. We do not provide busing for prek students. 

2. Are there options for half-day for kindergarten and PreK? 
No, our preschool and kindergarten program is full day; 
School hours for Kindergarten-5th Grade: 8:20-3:40 
School hours for Preschool: 8:20-3:30; With 1 hour of rest time built into the schedule

3. Do we accept children with special needs? 

4. What are the next steps?  
When the district online registration opens in April, complete the registration early through the ParentVue App. 
If your child is accepted, we will work with the demographics department to transfer your child to Scott DL. 
Preschool applicants: There is an additional preschool application and documents that must be completed through online registration. 

5. When will I know if my child was accepted? 
The kindergarten class for the upcoming school year will be announced prior to Kindergarten Orientation. Students are selected based on a variety of criteria and spots available. 
You will receive an email (to the email listed in this application) stating whether your child was accepted or not and whether you wish to confirm the acceptance, be placed on or taken off the waitlist. 
Though parents sign a commitment form to keep their child in our school through elementary, at times sports open up and we call and accept students on our waitlist at the beginning of each quarter. 

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